Please join us in a virtual ride to Kyiv on 26th March, Pitville pump rooms, 9 - 3.30pm, in order to raise funds for Ukraine.
If we can get 16 turbos or rollers going non stop, it will take us, members of the public and kids who we hope will join us, about 6hrs to do the miles! We need loads of riders and bucket shakers all in C&CCC kit if possible. Please save the date and get your family and friends involved.
Coverage on Radio Gloucestershire's Nicky Price Show. Cake Sale at Cheltenham Trust's Heritage Deco Cafe. We've even got local MP Alex Chalk coming along to do some miles!
Whatever you do to support, please donate as generously as you can, either cash on the day, contactless on the day, or here All proceeds going to British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal!
More pics from the Ride to Kyiv event, courtesy of Martin Schonbeck and Tony Payne 's friend John. John has hi res versions of these if anybody wants a copy..
Try this, need to cut and paste the whole string into a browser (not just the bit that shows as blue)[0]=AT2rojEqtvs7odAhW4hR5j3ldBFcN4H01B4v7MJ52jIMlPtBuNmpdCIdmXSHkuTuEzTNILzi4lrRlTzhjRxrBNh89alIbVtIdkxZydQla6q2fWsZedBETRDU62xc_foZhPuOMXDvXw8SQqdP_oEzAF0QAtn_E4eljA8VRYJc8eqLXq5mRzGb1N-hW17KV5IJRMvYmb4QXltC9f0oKZo
As a foot note, I has a issue removing the turbo though axel when we finished. Towards the end my front wheel fell off the the riser block I was using and the back end twisted out of the turbo trainer. I seems that this bent the axel bolt, good thing though, that when unscrewing it, it did strip the though axel thread on the frame. The cost of replacing a turbo axel much cheaper than a whole bike frame.
£8000 raised. A big thank you for helping, donating, promoting and making for an awesome club. Really proud to be a part of it!
Donations now exceeded £3230, thank you all! Keep donating!!! Ps thanks also to Jonny Rawlings for donating 65 gels and to Woody for donating 40 Bananas ❤❤
Please donate as generously as you can! Donate here -> or in cash or contactless on the day. All money going to British Red Cross Ukraine Appeal.
Many thanks to Stuart Warren who's donation has taken us to £1622 plus a further £375 of Gift Aid. Initial target reached, we're doubling down and targeting £3226. Many thanks to our 38 donors. Please share as much as you can!
Now at £1580 exc. Gift Aid, so so close to our initial target of £1613. The next donor or two will take us to it 🇺🇦
You read my mind Graham 😁 3 of the turbos that have been dropped in didn't have skewers. I've found 2 spares, but needed 1 more 👍👍👍
After a bit of searching I have found my Trax QR skewer, which I will bring along. Just in case some one has a skewer that doesn't quite fit the turbo.
Thanks to everybody who has donated so far or helped raise the profile of the fundraiser. We're now upto £1410 plus £332.50 of Gift Aid 👏👏👏 Please keep promoting and please keep giving! To those turboing or rollering, gels c/o Jonny Rawlings ❤
Lol I'll bring both options anyway, it'll be entertainment in any case!!!!!
Awesome, thanks Louis. Deffo got an unallocated one for you and it'd be great if you'd join :) Does your back wheel have a quick release skewer (needs to be!). Alternatively, if you are adept at riding rollers, we've got a spare set of those (at least 4 of us are on rollers - comedy!)
Thanks to everybody for their donations - including Gift Aid and cash we've received £1515 of donations so far 👏👏👏👏
Our initial fundraising goal was the same as the mileage from Cheltenham to Kyiv, and thanks to the generosity of our donors we're pushing on through Poland. If you haven't yet donated, please give as much as you can to support the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine via the British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal. We also want another 10 riders to come and join us for either the full shift Saturday or just 30 minutes! Also we need 5 more volunteers to shake buckets and gather donations 💢!